Art Awards

Arts Award inspire young people to grow their arts and leadership talents: Creative, valuable and accessible.
There are no entry requirements, no time limit for completing the award, and no set rules on how you present your final work. You just need to be aged between 11 and 25, to do the Bronze, Silver or Gold awards - and ready to explore new creative experiences.
EPIC Youth is a registered centre and can deliver these awards:
Bronze Award:
take part in an arts activity, anything from dance to creative writing to beat boxing
go to an arts event of your choice
find your arts hero or heroine, research their story, and discover how they got to where they are today
share your skills by helping to run a workshop or by giving a demonstration to others
You build a portfolio of your ideas and activities in your own personal style and format. You might make a folder or sketchbook, a video diary or website - it's up to you. The Bronze Award will usually take you about 40 hours to complete. 30 hours guided learning, 10-15 hours independent learning.
Do your Bronze Arts Award and you will get the chance to try new experiences in the arts world, plus a valuable Level 1 national qualification.
Silver Arts Award:
Arts practice complete a
challenge you have set yourself within your chosen art
form, and explore arts events and arts opportunities
within your community
Arts leadership plan, deliver and review your arts project
You create your own portfolio to gain the Silver Award. Pick your own style and format, diary style, video, online, slide show presentation, or something different altogether, if you and your adviser feel it works for you.
There are no entry requirements or set time limit. It will take you around 60 hours to complete your Silver Award. 45 hours guided learning, around 15 hours independent learning.
Gold Arts Award:
Personal arts development extend your own practice and engage with the arts sector
Arts project leadership research, plan, run and review your arts project.
you will record your progress and achievement throughout the Gold Arts Award by creating your own portfolio. You can develop your own style and format, diary style, video, online, slide show presentation or anything else that works for you.
There are no entry requirements or set time limit for completing the award. It will take you around 90 hours to complete your Gold Arts Award, working with your adviser and independently. Approximately 65 hours guided learning and 25 hours independent learning.
EPIC Achievement Awards
EPIC Achievement Awards are our way of recognising positive contributions made by young people, whether that is volunteering to help in a session, sticking at a programme over time or just doing something amazing for their group!
It is important to recognise individual achievements, and to ensure it is understood ANYONE can contribute something of worth, regardless of their academic abilities or skill set. For each achievement the individual receives a stamp in one of the boxes. When all boxes are stamped the young person will be awarded their EPIC Achievement Certificate.
This can be added to their CVs, allowing them to evidence their qualities to potential employers and training providers. In some situations EPIC Youth feel it is appropriate to offer a further reward for completing their Award. This is subject to negotiation.